
A bronze cast of Winged Mercury arising from the breath of his father Zeus; a plain wooden desk that supported the writings of a young Hodinohsho:ni woman; an ear modifier formed from the internal structure of a conch shell; four paintings of recent Mohawk converts to the Anglican faith deemed “kings” by the English court; and a glimpse of the skyline through the eyes of those Hodinohsho:ni working on the endless skyscrapers that compose New York City – these are some of the displays and artifacts visitors to the Woodland Cultural Centre’s permanent museum are invited to enjoy. Visitors will experience a firsthand encounter with the Onondaga runner Tom Longboat’s 1907 Boston Marathon trophy; Mohawk poetess E. Pauline Johnson’s desk; a shell ear plug from the early seventeenth-century Neutral site; the reproduced portraits of the “Four Kings” as commissioned by Queen Anne of the United Kingdom in 1710; and a showcase commemorating the many Hodinohsho:ni who practice the ironworking trade in New York City and across North America.

Woodland Cultural Centre Museum

The permanent museum is an integral element of the Woodland Cultural Centre. Presented as a journey through linear time, the museum presents a storyline featuring artifacts from prehistoric through historic and into contemporary times. The museum offers visitors the chance to experience pre/post-contact Southern Ontario as seen through the eyes of the different Indigenous Nations that have occupied this land. Proto-Iroquoian culture, Neutral Iroquoians, the Confederacy of the Haudenosaunee, and the modern communities of Wahta Mohawks, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, and Six Nations of the Grand River are represented in this unique timeline journey.

All Support Community members receive FREE ADMISSION to the museum and art galleries (Wahta, Tyendinaga, and Six Nations of the Grand River).

Contact Information

Phone: 519-759-2650 ext. 243
Arts Administrative Associate: Olga Kolotylo