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Continuance: Yonkwa'nikonhrakontáhkwen - our consciousness continues unchangedMarking This Moment! The National Arts Centre (NAC) has engaged 11 companies from across Canada to create large-scale performances this Fall. Each show will be performed outdoors for live audiences all over Canada – and they’ll be filmed so we can watch them all online too!

Creative Producer, Director, Performer
Santee Smith

Continuance is the state of remaining in existence.

Continuance as a Grand Act is an embodiment of resilience. A celebration of Indigenous continuance the drive-in theatre shines a light, 3D mapping on the dark oppressiveness of the Mohawk Institute Residential School.
With an immersive interplay with live intergenerational Haudenosaunee performers, the new media incorporates ancient-future imagery illuminating that the 142 year history of the school did not destroy cultural perpetuity. Disintegrating the facade of the school into images portraying cultural strength, beauty and iconic Haudenosaunee imagery. Coded within our iconographies are meaningful ways to live in the world with balanced harmony.

The performance is scheduled for Oct 3, 2020, at 9:00pm and Kaha:wi Dance Theatre will be on site to share this experience with all of us.
This is a free event, with limited tickets due to COVID-19 restrictions. All performances will be recorded and shared with those that are unable to attend the live performance.


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