Dwadę’nyota’ ne:’ Gayętwa:gwęh “We Celebrate the Harvested Food” Festival

Woodland Cultural Centre 184 Mohawk Street, Brantford, Ontario, Canada

Join Us for the Dwadę’nyota’ ne:’ Gayętwa:gwęh “We Celebrate the Harvested Food” Festival! Experience a vibrant Harvest Festival that embodies community strength, resilience, and the importance of food sovereignty. This year, we focus on collaboration with community partners, providing a platform for Indigenous art and cultures to flourish.


Public Virtual Six Nations Land Claims Presentation


Join the Woodland Cultural Centre on December 18th at 6:00pm for our Six Nations Land Claims presentation. Participants will learn about the history of the Hodinohsho:ni, history of wampum belts and the treaty process, and how this effects land claims today.

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