Dwadę’nyota’ ne:’ Gayętwa:gwęh “We Celebrate the Harvested Food” Festival

Woodland Cultural Centre 184 Mohawk Street, Brantford, Ontario, Canada

Join Us for the Dwadę’nyota’ ne:’ Gayętwa:gwęh “We Celebrate the Harvested Food” Festival! Experience a vibrant Harvest Festival that embodies community strength, resilience, and the importance of food sovereignty. This year, we focus on collaboration with community partners, providing a platform for Indigenous art and cultures to flourish.


Snowsnake Competition

Woodland Cultural Centre 184 Mohawk Street, Brantford, Ontario, Canada

The Woodland Cultural Centre is excited to announce the Snowsnake Competition, hosted by the Porter Snowsnake Team. Join us on February 22 and 23 for an action-packed weekend celebrating this Hodinohsho:ni tradition.

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