National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration
Woodland Cultural Centre 184 Mohawk Street, Brantford, Ontario, CanadaThe Woodland Cultural Centre invites you to join us [...]
The Woodland Cultural Centre invites you to join us [...]
This special event, entitled Robbie Robertson Reflections, will gather members of his family, dignitaries from the community, esteemed representatives from Canadian society, and those helping and intending to help establish a modern museum and arts centre at the Woodland Cultural Centre’s Brantford location.
Join us at the Woodland Cultural Centre for the [...]
Join the Woodland Cultural Centre's Dwadwęnagá:da:t Language Centre for Language Bingo and a Pancake Breakfast at the Fall Fair presented by the Six Nations Agricultural Society. Happening Sunday September 8th at 10:00am at the Six Nations Community Hall. Admission is by donation.
Join the Woodland Cultural Centre to Honour Orange Shirt Day on September 30th! Come together with us to remember and honour the history and resilience of Indigenous peoples at the Woodland Cultural Centre, a First Nations-run educational and cultural Centre located on the grounds of the former Mohawk Institute Residential School.
Join us on October 7th from 5:00-8:00pm at Doug Snooks Eagle Place Community Centre for an exciting Community Social in collaboration with Brantford Native Housing, De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre, and BRISC!
Join us at the Woodland Cultural Centre on Sunday, October 20, for the opening of our exhibition, 1924: Looking Back at the Last 100 Years of Hodinohso:ni Governance, Self-Determination, and Sovereignty. 1924 marks 100 years since the first election of a Band Council in Six Nations, highlighting the existence of two governance systems that represent Six Nations of the Grand River.
Join Us for the Dwadę’nyota’ ne:’ Gayętwa:gwęh “We Celebrate the Harvested Food” Festival! Experience a vibrant Harvest Festival that embodies community strength, resilience, and the importance of food sovereignty. This year, we focus on collaboration with community partners, providing a platform for Indigenous art and cultures to flourish.
Join University of Manitoba Press and Mary Jane Logan McCallum for the launch of Brown Tom’s Schooldays by Enos Montour. Mary Jane will be joined by Enos’s granddaughters Mary I. Anderson and Margaret McKenzie as well as the book’s original editor Elizabeth Graham. Refreshments and book signing will follow the discussion.
Join the Woodland Cultural Centre on December 14th in-person or online for a conversation about the “removal” of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council in October 1924 and its impacts upon the Six Nations community.
Join us for an engaging afternoon of sharing, learning, and support focused on creating and sustaining queer safe spaces within Indigenous communities.
Join the Woodland Cultural Centre at Mohawk Park on February 15 at 1:00 PM for a fun-filled Winterfest Community Social! We are excited to partner with Brantford Native Housing, BRISC, De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Services, Child and Family Services of Grand Erie, and Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg to bring you this wonderful event.