
The Woodland Cultural Center would like to thank all of our donors for their contributions that ensure that we can continue to deliver the highest quality programs celebrating, and sharing Indigenous culture, language, and art. Their support is instrumental in helping us to reach our goals.

A special thanks to the following donors who have supported the Woodland Cultural Centre mission to protect, promote, interpret, and present the Hodinohsho:ni worldview.

Close up profile of indigenous woman smiling

Core Funders

Charitable Partners

2023-2024 Supporters

Community Supporters

  • A.N Myer Secondary School
  • AESP Ontario Chapter
  • Art Gallery of Hamilton
  • Bibliofiche
  • Bibliofiche / Melchior / OPALS
  • Blake Street Public School
  • Blueberry Hill | Front Road Cellars
  • Brant Mental Health Solutions
  • Building Blocks Montessori
  • Burgundy Legacy Foundation
  • CAAT Pension Plan – Social Committee
  • Canada Gives SLG Family Foundation
  • City of Hamilton
  • Classic Displays
  • Cosma International (Magna)
  • Crestview Investment Corporation
  • DMG Advocates LLP
  • Dog Friendly Collective (Dog Friendly KW)
  • Economical Definity Insurance Company
  • Emerson Electric Canada Ltd
  • Enbridge Gas Inc
  • Family & Children’s Services of St. Thomas and Elgin
  • Fresh Art & Design Onc.
  • Galaxy Motel
  • Gowling WLG
  • Grand River Blues Society
  • GrandBridge Energy Inc.
  • Gusto 54 Restaurant Group
  • Hamilton-Wentworth Elementary Teachers Local
  • Healing of The Seven Generations
  • Hof & Associates
  • Holdbest Foundation
  • HOPA Ports
  • Igloo Inc.
  • Imagine Documentaries
  • Indspire
  • Insight Productions Ltd.
  • Jody Allen Family
  • John Howard Society of Niagara
  • Know History
  • Know History Inc
  • Lakefield District Public School
  • Learningwise Education Inc. (University Canada West)
  • MacCormac Law Firm
  • Mazy Way Indigenous Designs
  • Mela Bath
  • Meltem Koseleci
  • Multicultural Theatre Space
  • Municipal Property Assessment Corp
  • Nous Group Holdings (Canada) Ltd.
  • Nova Mutual Insurance Company
  • Ontario Lacrosse
  • PayPal Giving Fund
  • Pistolnik Designs
  • Playhouse Cinema
  • Riverdale Mediation Ltd.
  • RSG International
  • Sam Grisman Project
  • SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.
  • SOMA chocolatemaker
  • St. Angela Catholic School
  • St. Joseph’s Lifecare Brantford
  • St. Mark Catholic School
  • Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation
  • The Brown Homestead
  • The Greens at Renton
  • The Merry Dairy
  • The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton
  • Toronto Foundation
  • Totum Life Sience
  • Unifor Local 5555
  • United Way Centraide East Ontario
  • United Way Waterloo Region Communities
  • Upper Grand ETFO
  • Waterloo North Mennonite Church
  • Wyndham Art Supplies

Donors ($25,000+)

  • Canada Gives SLG Family Foundation
  • Healing of The Seven Generations

Donors ($10,000+)

  • Burgundy Legacy Foundation
  • Gordon Cameron
  • The Brown Homestead

Donors ($5,000+)

  • GrandBridge Energy Inc.
  • Holdbest Foundation
  • Jann Wenner
  • Jody Allen Family
  • Kathleen McCarthy

Donors ($1,500+)

  • Classic Displays
  • Elizabeth Feld
  • Kathy Cotton
  • Know History Inc
  • Lakefield District Public School
  • Lynne Mitchell
  • Michael Martinez
  • Municipal Property Assessment Corp
  • Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation
  • Susan Sterrett
  • Toronto Foundation
  • United Way Waterloo Region Communities
  • Upper Grand ETFO
  • VanRooyen Earthmoving Ltd

Donors ($500+)

  • Alfred Arvidsson
  • Alicia Hawkins
  • Amy Fralick
  • Anastasia Zaver
  • Andrea Taylor-Cote
  • Andrew Male
  • Ann Scott
  • Aubrey Sedberry
  • Barbara Buttars
  • Barbara Giroux
  • Bibliofiche
  • Bibliofiche / Melchior / OPALS
  • Bill Cooke
  • Bill Elleker
  • Brant Mental Health Solutions
  • Burkhard Englert
  • CAAT Pension Plan – Social Committee
  • Cathy Vine
  • Cheryl Merigold
  • Corinne Berman
  • Cosma International (Magna)
  • Courtney Othen
  • David Schuurman
  • Deborah Whitehouse
  • Delphine Robertson
  • Derek Hall
  • Dog Friendly Collective (Dog Friendly KW)
  • Economical Definity Insurance Company
  • Elizabeth Marquis
  • Emerson Electric Canada Ltd
  • Fatma Husein
  • Fred Mattocks
  • Fresh Art & Design Onc.
  • George Renninger
  • Gowling WLG
  • Gusto 54 Restaurant Group
  • Halle Borland
  • Hamilton-Wentworth Elementary Teachers Local
  • Heather Gignac
  • Heather Shilton
  • Ian McAskile
  • Imagine Documentaries
  • Insight Productions Ltd.
  • James Smith
  • Janet Pounder
  • John and Barbara Buttars
  • John Howard Society of Niagara
  • Katalin Ivanyi
  • Kayla Twyne
  • Keyna Bracken
  • Kim Bobiak
  • Kimberly Moulsdale
  • Know History
  • Kristin Biefer
  • Laura Banfield
  • Laurie McNelles
  • Learningwise Education Inc. (University Canada West)
  • Libby Armstrong
  • Lisa Byers
  • Lisa Owl
  • Lori Spadorcia
  • Marje and Markus Stock
  • Mark D’Souza
  • Martin Scorsese
  • Mary Anne Peters
  • Maureen Henry
  • Michael Bryson
  • noah genner
  • Nolan Andres
  • Nova Mutual Insurance Company
  • Ontario Lacrosse
  • Patricia Slade
  • Pauline Auger
  • PayPal Giving Fund
  • Richard Merritt
  • Riverdale Mediation Ltd.
  • Robbie Robertson
  • Robert Brydon
  • Robert James
  • RSG International
  • Ryan Prosser
  • Ryan Winger
  • Sandra Sault Hartwick
  • Sarah Hale
  • Sean Wilentz
  • Sharilyn Ingram
  • Sheila Ager
  • Sheila Rhodes
  • Shoba Sujana Kumar
  • SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.
  • SOMA chocolatemaker
  • sumo k
  • Susan Minsos
  • Tallie Dennis
  • Tamara Shantz
  • Tanya Richardson
  • The Greens at Renton
  • Thelma Schoonmaker
  • Tim van der Kooi
  • Unifor Local 5555
  • United Way Centraide East Ontario
  • Waterloo North Mennonite Church
  • Will Hopkins
  • Wyndham Art Supplies

Donors ($100+)

  • (Hanna) Helene Wagner
  • A.N Myer Secondary School
  • Aaron Geekie-Sousa
  • Aaron Hohn
  • Adam Mackillop
  • AESP Ontario Chapter
  • Aimee hureau
  • Alan Hahn
  • Alex Kraas
  • Alex Simpson
  • Alice Marie Phillips
  • Alicia Haynes
  • Alida Stevenson
  • Alison Boyd
  • alyson rowe
  • Amy Adams
  • Amy Burke
  • Amy Jones
  • Andrea Mckinney
  • Andrew Johnson
  • Angela Larraguibel
  • Angela Lytle
  • Angela Norris
  • Angie McNulty
  • Anna Dalton Muzzin
  • Anne Haberl
  • Anne Margaret Daniel
  • Anne Williamson-Hyett
  • anthony galioto
  • Antoinette Handley
  • Arlene Chin
  • Art Gallery of Hamilton
  • Ashley Hunkin
  • Avi Sirlin
  • Barbara Pulling
  • Barbara Sisson
  • Barbara Williams
  • Barry Isenstein
  • Benjamin Wiseman
  • Bernie Burnett
  • Bess Freedman
  • Beth Dockstator
  • Beth Weintrop
  • Betty Leasure
  • Bill Huitt
  • Billy J Norton
  • Blake Street Public School
  • Blueberry Hill | Front Road Cellars
  • Brad Coburn
  • Bradley Banks
  • Bradley Clements
  • Brandon Mank-Proctor
  • Brenda Cameron Couch
  • Brian Prosser
  • Bridget Perdomo
  • Brittany Douglas
  • Brooke Belleville
  • Bryan Adamczyk
  • Bryan M Adamczyk
  • Building Blocks Montessori
  • Candis Mcinnes
  • Carleon Hardie
  • Carolyn Poutiainen
  • Carrie Jo Long
  • Cat Cayuga
  • Catherine Anderson
  • Catherine Jacobson
  • Catherine Mittelholtz
  • Catherine Saunders
  • Cecilia Mok
  • Celia Harte
  • Celina Mongillo
  • Charlotte Elder
  • Charlotte Innerd
  • Chris Gabriel
  • Chris Travers
  • Christina Heidorn
  • Christine Cawley
  • Christine Teeple
  • Christopher & Bonnie Betlejemski
  • City of Hamilton
  • Colleen Baker
  • Corey Fayman
  • Courtney Gray
  • Craig Blackmore
  • Crestview Investment Corporation
  • Cynthia Devine
  • Cynthia Garcia-Doane
  • Damon Delong
  • Daniel Maoz
  • Daniel Smith
  • Daniella Sanader
  • Danielle MacFarlane
  • Darrell Tan
  • Dave Hachey
  • David & Ingrid Pfrimmer
  • David Denison
  • David E Sopko
  • David Graham
  • David Horne
  • David Love
  • David March
  • David Schell
  • David Vella
  • David Wonder
  • Deanna Allain
  • Deborah MacLatchy
  • Demetra Christakos
  • Dennis Ware
  • Dianne Gilchrist
  • DMG Advocates LLP
  • Dominique Sanders
  • Don and Gayle Neufeld
  • Don Grefe
  • Don Myers
  • Donald Creighton
  • Donald Mowat, C.M.,
  • Donna McGreal
  • Doris Melber-Lange
  • Douglas Stinson
  • Dylan Schoenmakers
  • Elaine Gosnell
  • Elena Ronquillo
  • Elizabeth Eastwood
  • Elizabeth Fane
  • Elizabeth Sheffield
  • Elizabeth Underhill
  • Elizabeth Vos
  • Elizabeth Wendy Milne
  • Elizabeth Young
  • Ellen Ryan
  • Ellen Warling
  • Elsabe Coetzer
  • Elspeth McFadden
  • Elyssa Pompa
  • Enbridge Gas Inc
  • Eric Rumble
  • Erika Jesik
  • Esther Vise
  • Esther Wheaton
  • Eugene K. Goldmund
  • Eve Goldberg
  • Family & Children’s Services of St. Thomas and Elgin
  • Fatima Lam
  • Fiona Kirkpatrick Parsons
  • Frank Clarke
  • Gabriella Szucs Filler
  • Galaxy Motel
  • Gary Hall
  • Georgia Jarman
  • Ginger Taylor
  • Glen Shore
  • Gordon MacPherson
  • Gowri Murugiah
  • Grand River Blues Society
  • Grant Davidson
  • Greg Collett
  • Guy Kay
  • Hal Muskat
  • Harry Howden
  • Heather Caswell
  • Heather Hollyer
  • Heather Smith
  • Heather Wyatt
  • Helen Lovekin
  • Henriette Plas
  • Herb & Ginny Buckwalter
  • Hof & Associates
  • HOPA Ports
  • Housing Department
  • Howard Lee
  • Ian Sinclair
  • Igloo Inc.
  • Indspire
  • Jacqueline Nash-Smowton
  • Jacqueline Robertson
  • James Dawson
  • James Elgee
  • James Hampton
  • James Lollar
  • James Moir
  • James Tindal
  • Jamie Shilton
  • Jane Aronson
  • Janelle Van Halst
  • Janet MacLeod
  • Janet Savard
  • Janet Seally
  • Janice Giles
  • Janice Lang
  • Jay Richardson
  • Jeff Vaughan
  • Jeffrey Muir
  • Jen Ford
  • Jennifer Antler
  • Jennifer Brown
  • Jennifer Dietrich
  • Jennifer Duzak
  • Jennifer Hardy
  • Jennifer Heneberry
  • Jennifer Lucking
  • Jennifer MacLachlan
  • Jerry Schatzberg
  • Jessica Beattie
  • Jessica Teich
  • Jill Anderson
  • Jill Leedham
  • Jill Meyers
  • Jill Pritchard-Scott
  • Jillmarie McDonough
  • Jim & Donna Simpson
  • Joanna Lee
  • Joanne Harris-Bedford
  • Joanne Leitch
  • Joanne Menchions
  • Jocelyn McKeown
  • Jocelyn Small
  • Joel Firmin
  • John Allin
  • John B Anderson
  • John Boddy
  • JOHN G Forman
  • John Lowrey
  • Jon Nelson
  • Jonathan Harley
  • Josee A Pilon
  • Jubal Gordon
  • Judah & Cheryl Oudshoorn
  • jude winkup
  • Judy Dakers
  • Judy Muller
  • Juliana Sparks
  • Julie Farmer
  • Julie MacArthur
  • Justin Abbiss
  • Kailey Morin
  • Karen Littlewood
  • Karen Mann
  • Karen Odegaard
  • Karin Zuccharini
  • Karla Jones
  • Karrie Heinrichs
  • Kasey Kipien
  • Kassondra Walters
  • Katharine Snider McNair
  • Katharine Young
  • Katherine Acheson
  • Katherine Boothe
  • Katherine Humphrys
  • Kathleen Cullen
  • Kathleen Mackay
  • Kathleen Reeve
  • Kathleen Walker
  • Kathryn Korostoff
  • Kathryn Morgan
  • Kathryn Morrison
  • Kathryn Truman
  • Keehan Koorn
  • Keith Shewbridge
  • Kelli Byers
  • Kelly Greene
  • Kelly Sheard
  • Ken Giesen
  • Ken Puley
  • Kenneth Aucoin
  • Kenny Nicholls
  • Keren Rice
  • Kevin Girdharry
  • Kim Holt
  • Kim Thomson
  • Kimberley Priebe
  • Kimberly Woodley
  • Kirsten Abrahamson
  • Kristen Yee
  • Kristie Nairn
  • Laura Wilkieson
  • Lawrence Osborne
  • Leah Fetterley
  • Leah Martin
  • Leah Piltz
  • Leasa Peters
  • Lenore Lukasik-Foss
  • Leonor Strange
  • Lily Gladstone
  • Linda Kelemen
  • Linda Mather
  • Linda Metzner
  • Lindsay Speed
  • Lisa Hunt
  • lisa miller
  • Lisa Rankin
  • Lisa Savard-quong
  • Liz Feld
  • Liza Schott
  • Lloyd MacKenzie
  • Lois Figg
  • Lori McMaster
  • Lorna Lyle Harris
  • Louise Donnelly
  • Luigi LaRocca
  • Lynn Bruulsema
  • Lynn Dramnitzki
  • Lynne Beauchemin
  • MacCormac Law Firm
  • Mackenzie-Kathrine Bodnar
  • Madelaine Legault
  • Maggie Bassendale
  • Marc Gaudreau
  • Marcelle Constable
  • Margaret Hill
  • Margot Thompson
  • Maria Fournier
  • Marianne Hunt
  • Marianne Jacobbi
  • Marianne Martyn
  • Marie Dulin
  • Marie Jordan
  • Marion (Gigi) Shanks
  • Marion Roes
  • Maris Sayner
  • Mark and Jennifer Dockstator
  • Mark Thompson
  • Marley Beach
  • Martha Hanna
  • Martha Reynolds
  • Martha Troian
  • Martin Betz
  • Martyn J Weir
  • Mary Anne Grant
  • Mary Beth Mann
  • Mary Cunningham
  • Mary Todorow
  • Mathew Buntin
  • Matthew Healy
  • Matthew Maracle
  • Maureen McCormick
  • Maurice Koetsier
  • Mazy Way Indigenous Designs
  • Meagan Hamilton
  • Meaghan Drury
  • Megan Glanfield
  • Mela Bath
  • Melanie Kramer
  • Melina Bondy
  • Meltem Koseleci
  • Meredith Lucey-Weinhold
  • Mica Ruck
  • Michael Barrie
  • Michael Barry
  • Michael Choo
  • Michael Facca
  • Michael Gregory
  • Michael LaBare
  • Michael Moody
  • Michael Reid
  • Michael Zajmalowski
  • Michelle Leung-Elder
  • Michelle Walters
  • Multicultural Theatre Space
  • Murray Olbey
  • Nadia Akbarali
  • Nadia Schafer
  • Nadine Kalinauskas
  • Nancy Henley
  • Nancy Kinsman
  • Nancy Kleer
  • Nancy McBride
  • Neil Gallaiford
  • Nick & Kate Head
  • nick lang
  • Nicki Thibeault
  • Nicole Dolbec
  • Nicole Marra
  • Nicole Rothney
  • Niklaus Gerspach
  • Norah Love
  • Nous Group Holdings (Canada) Ltd.
  • Olga Kirillova
  • Owen Wass
  • Paige Monck-Whipp
  • Patricia Deering
  • Patricia Munro
  • Patricia Woods Kantor
  • Patricia Young
  • Patrick Cook
  • Paul C. Thistle
  • Paul Tsaparis
  • Paula Shewchuk
  • Peggy Hallman
  • Penny Santa-Barbara
  • Perry Jones
  • Peter Gillard
  • Peter Jurgec
  • Peter Shackleton
  • Philip Morehead
  • Pistolnik Designs
  • Playhouse Cinema
  • Rae and Barbara Crossman
  • Raffi Shemavonian
  • Raiya Deen
  • Raymond Jablonski
  • Rebecca Grimes
  • Rebecca Hazell
  • Rebecca Metcalfe
  • Rebekah Harris
  • Reina Neufeldt
  • Rhiannon Bennett
  • Rick McManis
  • Rick Monture
  • Rob McLean
  • Robbin Cheesman
  • Robert Lawson
  • Robert Redhead
  • robin Rutten
  • Robyn Tedesco
  • Rocco Di Donato
  • Ron Benner
  • Ronald Harder
  • Rudi WALLACE
  • Russell Galvin
  • Ruth Biderman
  • Ryan Miller
  • Ryan Straiton
  • Ryan Strang
  • Sally Palmer
  • sam duncan
  • Sam Grisman Project
  • samantha lawson
  • Samuel Proctor
  • Sandra Anderson
  • Sandra Cowan
  • Sandra Guiry
  • Sandra Willis
  • Sandy Carpenter
  • Sarah Clarke
  • Sarah Dowling
  • Sarah Rutherford
  • Sarah Stewart
  • Scott Reaume
  • Scott Vokey
  • Sean Keenan
  • Sharon Aylsworth
  • Sharon Rees
  • Sharon Smith
  • Shaun Wilson
  • Shawna McKellar
  • Shayna Henry
  • Shelagh Heeney
  • St. Angela Catholic School
  • St. Joseph’s Lifecare Brantford
  • St. Mark Catholic School
  • Stacie Sarbaugh
  • Stephanie Vegh
  • Stephen Funk
  • Stephen Heeney
  • Stephen Larson
  • Steve Howes
  • Steven Bernstein
  • Steven Crichton
  • Sue Crowe Connolly
  • Susan Fogo
  • Susan Hroncek
  • susan jefferies
  • Susan MacLean
  • Susan Owen
  • Suzanne Akbari
  • Tatiana Huertas-Jourda
  • Teresa Ellies
  • Teri Campion
  • The Merry Dairy
  • The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton
  • Thea Haines
  • Thomas Grieve
  • Timothy Galvin
  • Timothy Wichert
  • Tom Rataj
  • Ton van Haeren

2022-2023 Supporters

Community Supporters

  • 2143477 Ontario Inc.
  • Alchemy Fitness
  • Ancaster High School
  • Andree Rheaume and Robert Fitzhenry Family Foundation C/O Aqueduct Foundation
  • Anglican Church Women
  • Appleby College
  • Arrow Machine and Fabrication Group Inc.
  • Benefaction/Carlton Family Gifting Fund
  • Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School
  • Blueberry Hill
  • Braemar House School
  • Breslau Mennonite Church
  • BrokerLink Insurance
  • Brooks Signs (1985) Ltd.
  • CAAT Pension Plan
  • Canada Gives SLG Family Foundation
  • Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute
  • CF Lime Ridge Mall
  • CFUW Headwaters
  • Charities Aid Foundation Canada
  • CIBC
  • City of Hamilton
  • City of Waterloo Staff Association
  • Corporation of the City of Cambridge
  • Country Corners
  • CUPE Local 5167
  • Dalton Associates
  • DHL Supply Chain
  • Dog Friendly KW
  • Dr. Disc (Hamilton) Inc.
  • Drumbo Lions Club
  • EFTO Halton DECE Local
  • Evans, Philp LLP
  • Fanshawe College
  • Father Henry Carr Catholic SS
  • FedEx Express Canada
  • Fields Trips
  • FirstOntario Credit Union
  • Foxwood Developments
  • Galaxy Motel
  • Gemini Canada
  • Giaimo Architects Inc.
  • Gore Mutual Insurance Company
  • Great Canadian Gaming Corporation
  • Guelph Guitar Repair
  • Hamilton Associaton For Christian Education Inc.
  • Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
  • Hamilton-Wentworth Elementary Teachers Local
  • Holdbest Foundation
  • Huron Shores United Church
  • Huron University College
  • Incorporated Synod of Diocese of TO
  • Innovative Rhythm Dance Studios
  • Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES)
  • International Teams Canada
  • Kiwanis Club of Brantford Charitable Corporation
  • Lamont Law
  • Lion’s Club of Hamilton Central
  • Mackenzie Glen P.S.
  • Mazy Way Indigenous Designs
  • McMaster University
  • Mildred’s Temple Kitchen
  • Moatfield Foundation Bayview Glen School
  • NAC Indigenous Theatre
  • Niagara Catholic District School Board
  • Once Upon A Child London
  • Ontario Tech University
  • Peel Elementary Teachers’ Local
  • Pleasant Ridge Saddlery
  • Polestar Hearth Bakery Inc.
  • Public Policy Forum
  • Pump House Gardens
  • Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
  • sauce creative and consulting inc.
  • Shabatura Farms Ltd.
  • Six Miles Productions Inc.
  • SKM Promotions
  • St. Alban’s Church Georgetown
  • St. Frances Cabrini School
  • St. Jean De Brebeauf
  • St. John’s College
  • St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
  • St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School
  • Steelcraft Inc.
  • Steeltown Ashtanga
  • Steeltown Supporters
  • Terry Fox Public School
  • The Brantford Rotary Sunrise Fund
  • The Brown Homestead
  • The Counselling Foundation of Canada
  • The Haldimand Press 2017
  • The Meeting House Church Family
  • The Pie Guys Bakery + Cafe
  • The Probus Club of Kitchener
  • The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton
  • TKA+D ARchitecture + Design
  • Toronto Foundation
  • Totum Life Science
  • Twin Design + Art Direction
  • UAP inc.
  • Unifor Local 5555
  • United Way Centraide East Ontario
  • United Way Halton & Hamilton
  • Unity Kitchener
  • unlearn. inc.
  • Ursuline Sisters
  • Vintage Coffee Roasters
  • Waterloo Region Community Foundation Landmann Family Fund
  • Waterloo Regional District School Board
  • Woman’s Probus Club of Brant
  • WP Pensions + Benefits
  • Your Credit Union Ltd

Donors ($25,000+)

  • Andree Rheaume and Robert Fitzhenry Family Foundation C/O Aqueduct Foundation
  • CIBC
  • Rogers Communications Canada Inc.

Donors ($10,000+)

  • Annette Verschuren
  • Breslau Mennonite Church
  • The Brown Homestead
  • The Meeting House Church Family

Donors ($5,000+)

  • CF Lime Ridge Mall
  • Dan McCormick
  • Gore Mutual Insurance Company
  • Great Canadian Gaming Corporation
  • McMaster University

Donors ($1,500+)

  • Amanda Booth
  • Arrow Machine and Fabrication Group Inc.
  • Benefaction/Carlton Family Gifting Fund
  • Canada Gives SLG Family Foundation
  • Evans, Philp LLP
  • Fanshawe College
  • Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
  • Hamilton-Wentworth Elementary Teachers Local
  • Heather Resnick
  • Ian & Karen Hanna
  • Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES)
  • Lisa Byers
  • Marian and Frank O’Connor
  • Mark D’Souza
  • Megan Glanfield
  • Moatfield Foundation Bayview Glen School
  • Niagara Catholic District School Board
  • Polestar Hearth Bakery Inc.
  • Ryan Devlin
  • St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
  • Steelcraft Inc.
  • The Brantford Rotary Sunrise Fund
  • The Pie Guys Bakery + Cafe
  • Toronto Foundation
  • Waterloo Region Community Foundation Landmann Family Fund

Donors ($500+)

  • 2143477 Ontario Inc.
  • Ainsley Walton
  • Alanna Agro
  • Amanda Savage
  • Amy Fralick
  • Anda L. Avens
  • Andrew Bennett
  • Angela Alaimo
  • Barbara Giroux
  • Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School
  • Brenda Cameron Couch
  • CAAT Pension Plan
  • Catherine lace
  • Catherine Saunders
  • Cathy Vine
  • City of Hamilton
  • Corinne Berman
  • Corporation of the City of Cambridge
  • David Schuurman
  • Doris Melber-Lange
  • Elizabeth Marquis
  • erika shrestha
  • Erin Setka
  • Eshe Despres
  • Father Henry Carr Catholic SS
  • Fausta Capogna Hendricks
  • FirstOntario Credit Union
  • George Renninger
  • Giaimo Architects Inc.
  • Goutom Basu
  • Heather Shilton
  • Holdbest Foundation
  • Holly Martelle
  • Huron University College
  • Ian McAskile
  • International Teams Canada
  • Jan Stroh
  • Jill Pritchard-Scott
  • Karley Witten
  • Katalin Ivanyi
  • Katelyn Murphy
  • Kiwanis Club of Brantford Charitable Corporation
  • Laura Banfield
  • Libby Armstrong
  • Lisa Connolly
  • Mackenzie Glen P.S.
  • MacPherson Institute McMaster University
  • Maria McDonald
  • Markus and Marje Stock
  • Mary Anne Peters
  • Melina Bondy
  • Michael Muraz
  • Mildred’s Temple Kitchen
  • NAC Indigenous Theatre
  • Nikki Gershbain
  • Nolan Andres
  • Ontario Tech University
  • Paige LeBlanc
  • Patricia Slade
  • Pauline Auger
  • Peel Elementary Teachers’ Local
  • Peggy Hebert
  • Pleasant Ridge Saddlery
  • Public Policy Forum
  • Robert Brydon
  • Robert James
  • Ryan Prosser
  • Ryan Winger
  • Sabrina Dias
  • Scarlett Farquhar
  • Six Miles Productions Inc.
  • SKM Promotions
  • St. Alban’s Church Georgetown
  • St. John’s College
  • St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School
  • Steeltown Supporters
  • Stephen Szikora
  • Sue Crowe Connolly
  • Tamara Shantz
  • Tanya Richardson
  • Teresa Ellies
  • Tim van der Kooi
  • Tonja Clark
  • Totum Life Science
  • UAP inc.
  • Unifor Local 5555
  • United Way Centraide East Ontario

Donors ($100+)

  • Aaron Geekie-Sousa
  • Abby Bell
  • Adam Cotter
  • Adam Mason
  • Adam Munro
  • Aimee hureau
  • Alchemy Fitness
  • Alena Robin
  • Alex Kraas
  • Alicia Batten
  • Alicia Hawkins
  • Alicia Haynes
  • Alicia Salyi
  • Alida Stevenson
  • Alison Boyd
  • Alison Wong
  • Allan Jones
  • Allison Tait
  • Amanda Penwill
  • Amy Adams
  • Amy Burke
  • Amy Jones
  • Amy Van Kessel
  • Anahi Gonzalez Teran
  • Ancaster High School
  • Andrea Massarella
  • Andrea Mckinney
  • Andrew Berthoff
  • Andrew Hui
  • Angela Eady
  • Angie McNulty
  • Anglican Church Women
  • Anh Ngo
  • Ann Dunning
  • Anna Dalton Muzzin
  • Anna Macdonald
  • Anne Fisher
  • Anne Forestell
  • Anne Walker
  • Anne-Louise Gould
  • Antoinette Handley
  • Appleby College
  • April Julian
  • Arlene Chin
  • Asha Mistry
  • Ashley Ferguson
  • Ashley Hunkin
  • Ashley Solmes
  • Azizah McClory
  • Barbara McDonough
  • Bernie Burnett
  • Blueberry Hill
  • Bo Tait
  • Bonnie Frenette
  • Brad Coburn
  • Bradley Clements
  • Braemar House School
  • Brandon Mank-Proctor
  • Brian Wilker
  • Bridget Whittle
  • Brittany Douglas
  • BrokerLink Insurance
  • Brooke Filsinger
  • Brooks Signs (1985) Ltd.
  • Bruce Gillespie
  • Bruce Jones
  • Bryan Adamczyk
  • Bryan M Adamczyk
  • Carissa Engell
  • Carleon Hardie
  • Carley Gallant-Jenkins
  • Carmen McQuillin
  • Carol Gideon
  • Carol Strike
  • Caroline Hollway
  • Carolyn Poutiainen
  • Carrie Dyck
  • Catherine Astolfo
  • Catherine Caughell
  • Catherine Dewdney
  • Catherine Donnars-Hodgson
  • Catherine Mittelholtz
  • Cecilia Mok
  • Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute
  • CFUW Headwaters
  • Charities Aid Foundation Canada
  • Charles Gillin
  • Charlotte Elder
  • Charlotte Innerd
  • Chase Rooney
  • Chris Gabriel
  • Chris Travers
  • Christi Garneau
  • Christine Alksnis
  • Christine Bandy
  • Christine Barry
  • Christine Drimmie
  • Christine Hastie
  • Christine Teeple
  • Christine Vaughan
  • Christopher & Bonnie Betlejemski
  • Cindy & Emma Anderson
  • Cindy & Richard Anderson
  • City of Waterloo Staff Association
  • Colleen Baker
  • Colleen Rolfe
  • Connor Gianetto-Hill
  • Coralie Hummel
  • Country Corners
  • Courtney Naka
  • CUPE Local 5167
  • D Penn
  • Dalton Associates
  • Damon Delong
  • Danielle Coffer
  • Darlene Stericker
  • Dave Plewes
  • David & Ingrid Pfrimmer
  • David Livesey
  • David Wonder
  • Dawn Gingold
  • Deanna Allain
  • Deborah Goggin
  • Deborah MacLatchy
  • Deborah Smith
  • Deborah Wolgelerenter
  • Debra Foran
  • Deepak Matharu
  • Derek Hall
  • DHL Supply Chain
  • Diana Tadic
  • Diane Wolfe
  • Dianne Gilchrist
  • Dog Friendly KW
  • Donnalu Macdonald
  • Dr. Disc (Hamilton) Inc.
  • Drumbo Lions Club
  • Duncan Wood
  • EFTO Halton DECE Local
  • Elaine Keillor
  • Elinor Dunlop
  • Elizabeth Buller
  • Elizabeth Davis
  • Elizabeth MacLeod
  • Elizabeth Underhill
  • Elizabeth Webb
  • Elka Weinstein
  • Elsie Millerd
  • Elspeth McFadden
  • Emily Martin
  • Emma Bennett
  • Emmeline Gregoroff
  • Eric Rumble
  • Erica Lamont
  • Erika Jesik
  • Esther Townshend
  • Esther Wheaton
  • Ethelbert Orquiola
  • Fatima Lam
  • FedEx Express Canada
  • Fields Trips
  • Foxwood Developments
  • Frances Gregory
  • Gail Novack
  • Galaxy Motel
  • Gary Warrick
  • Gary Wrathall
  • Gemini Canada
  • Georgia Jarman
  • Gertrude (Trudy) Nicks
  • Ginger Taylor
  • Glen MOrris United
  • Glynis Maxwell
  • Gowri Murugiah
  • Greg Tedesco
  • Guelph Guitar Repair
  • Halle Beads
  • Hamilton Associaton For Christian Education Inc.
  • Heather Charbonneau
  • Heather Gignac
  • Heather Harvey
  • Heather Hollyer
  • Heather Snyder
  • Henriette Plas
  • Herb & Ginny Buckwalter
  • Huron Shores United Church
  • Incorporated Synod of Diocese of TO
  • Innovative Rhythm Dance Studios
  • Islay Gleasure
  • Jack Fallon
  • Jacqueline Nash-Smowton
  • Jacqueline Robertson
  • James Dawson
  • James Smith
  • James Watson
  • Jamie Guarascia
  • Jamie Villeneuve
  • Jane Aronson
  • Janet MacLeod
  • Janice Giles
  • Jason Kang
  • Jean-Luc LeBlanc
  • Jeff Burnham
  • Jeff Vaughan
  • Jeffrey Grischow
  • Jeffrey Miller
  • Jeffrey Muir
  • Jehangir Gotla
  • Jen Ford
  • Jen Smolenaars
  • Jennifer Brown
  • Jennifer Dietrich
  • Jennifer Hutchinson
  • Jennifer Lucking
  • Jessica Gareau
  • Jessica Malboeuf
  • Jessica Webber
  • Jill Anderson
  • Joan Millsap
  • Joanna Lee
  • Joanna Sparrow
  • Joanna Yu
  • Jocelyn McKeown
  • Johanna Gordon
  • Johanna Mizgala
  • John Preston
  • John Schumaker
  • Jonathan Hensen
  • Jordanne Golden
  • Josée Pilon
  • Joseph LeBlanc
  • Josh Leeder
  • Josie Rudderham
  • Joy Simmonds
  • Judah & Cheryl Oudshoorn
  • Judy Clarke
  • Julie Caty
  • Julie Farmer
  • Julie Poulin
  • Kailey Morin
  • Kaitlin Vander Meer
  • Karen Kew
  • Karen Mann
  • Karen McCartney
  • Karen Morgan
  • Karen Pascal
  • Karen Ras
  • Kasey Kipien
  • Katharine Snider McNair
  • Katharine Young
  • Katherine Acheson
  • Katherine Boothe
  • Katherine Kelley
  • Katherine Williams
  • Kathleen BAIRD
  • Kathleen Cullen
  • Kathryn Halloran
  • Kathryn Morrison
  • Katie Docherty
  • Katryn Pereira
  • Kayla Twyne
  • Keehan Koorn
  • Keesha Bell
  • Kelli Byers
  • Kelli Richard
  • Kelly callfas
  • Kelly Hardy
  • Ken Giesen
  • Kennedy Fung
  • Kent Bigrigg
  • Keren Rice
  • Keyna Bracken
  • Kim Cusimano
  • Kim Thomson
  • Kimberly Barber
  • Kirsten Fogg
  • Kirstin Parker
  • Klaus Paasche
  • Krishma Dave
  • Krista Binninhgton
  • Kristen & Fran Westwood
  • Kristie Nairn
  • Kristin Biefer
  • Kristina Kuhnert
  • Kyla Belisario
  • Lacey Wilson
  • Lady Absolor
  • Lamont Law
  • Laura Brinks
  • Laura MacGregor
  • Leah Martin
  • Leah Piltz
  • Lenore Lukasik-Foss
  • Letitia Coutu
  • Liam Midzain-Gobin
  • Linda Averill
  • Linda Dodman
  • Linda Huestis
  • Lion’s Club of Hamilton Central
  • Lisa Chung
  • Lisa Durocher
  • Lisa Hunt
  • Local 932
  • Lori Flowers
  • Lori McMaster
  • Lynn Ashkewe
  • Mackenzie-Kathrine Bodnar
  • Maggie Ballantyne
  • Maggie Bassendale
  • Marcelle Constable
  • Marg Murray
  • Margot Thompson
  • Marguerite Urban
  • Maria Fournier
  • Maria Meindl
  • Maria Uliana
  • Marion (Gigi) Shanks
  • Mark Ferguson
  • marla feldman
  • Marley Beach
  • Marta Evans
  • Martha Reynolds
  • Mary Anne Grant
  • Mary Kowaltschuk
  • Mary Meffe
  • Mary Montgomery
  • Mary Newman
  • Matt Goodman
  • Matthew Ashley
  • Matthew Green
  • Maurice Koetsier
  • Mazy Way Indigenous Designs
  • Meaghan Drury
  • Meaghan Wright
  • Melanie Egan
  • Melanie Fernandez
  • Melissa Horner
  • Meredith Lucey-Weinhold
  • Meredith Wilkinson
  • Michael Barrie
  • Michael Rigglesford
  • Michelle Bomberry
  • Michelle Craig
  • Michelle L. Christian
  • Michelle Leung-Elder
  • Michelle Watson
  • Mirko Petricevic
  • Mohammad Asadullah
  • Nadia Schafer
  • Nadine Kalinauskas
  • Nan Coolsma
  • Nancy Cooper
  • Narina Nagra
  • Natalie Normand
  • Nicki Thibeault
  • Nicole Rothney
  • Norah Love
  • Olivia Schultz
  • Once Upon A Child London
  • Paige Monck-Whipp
  • Pam Consoli
  • Pamela McArthur
  • Pat Mandy
  • Patricia Young
  • Patrick Cook
  • Patti Kirk
  • Paula Shewchuk
  • Paulina Cordova Di Santo
  • Penny Santa-Barbara
  • Philip Dehm
  • Phoebe Cohoe
  • Pump House Gardens
  • Rachel Berdan
  • Rebecca Baird
  • Rebecca Dafoe
  • Rebecca Godderis
  • Rebecca Grimes
  • Rebecca Metcalfe
  • Rebecca Wolfe
  • Rebekah Harris
  • Regna Darnell
  • Reina Neufeldt
  • Rhiannon Bennett
  • Rhonda Ulysse
  • Richard Auckland
  • Richard Merritt
  • Rick Martin
  • Robbin Cheesman
  • Robert Redhead
  • Roilui Sin
  • Ron Levett
  • Ronald Harder
  • Rosemarie McCutcheon
  • Rudi WALLACE
  • Ruth and Eric Hunsberger
  • Ryan Straiton
  • Ryan Strang
  • S Rayner
  • Sabrina Yorke
  • Sahar Monzavi-Bacon
  • Sally Palmer
  • Samantha Beatty
  • Samantha Height
  • Samuel Steiner
  • Sandi Trillo
  • Sandra Anderson
  • Sandra Guiry
  • Sandra Sault Hartwick
  • Sandy Carpenter
  • Santino Perri
  • Sarah Bassnett
  • Sarah Brophy
  • Sarah Clarke
  • Sarah E Farrar
  • Sarah Kovacs
  • Sarah Stewart
  • sauce creative and consulting inc.
  • Scott Milne
  • Scott Reaume
  • Scott Vokey
  • Shabatura Farms Ltd.
  • Shanna Serafino
  • Sharon Aylsworth
  • Sharon Walsh
  • Shawn Upson
  • Shawna Leighton
  • Sheila Fernandez
  • Sheila Rhodes
  • Sherry Southgate
  • Simon Thompson
  • St. Frances Cabrini School
  • St. Jean De Brebeauf
  • Steeltown Ashtanga
  • Stef Dubbeldam
  • Stephanie Malko Street
  • Stephen and Rebecca Larson
  • Stephen DArcy
  • Stephen Hudecki
  • Susan Goulet
  • Susan Hroncek
  • Susanna Rothschild
  • Sydney Holmes
  • Tanya Ritchie
  • Tara Hannah
  • Tara Jarvis
  • Terry Fox Public School
  • Terry Yantzi
  • The Counselling Foundation of Canada
  • The Haldimand Press 2017
  • The Probus Club of Kitchener
  • The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton
  • Thea Haines
  • Thomas Durran
  • Timothy Wichert
  • TKA+D ARchitecture + Design
  • Tonya Malcolm
  • Twin Design + Art Direction
  • United Way Halton & Hamilton
  • Unity Kitchener
  • unlearn. inc.
  • Upender Mehan
  • Ursuline Sisters
  • Valerie Chong
  • Valerie Croft
  • Valetta Seymour
  • Vanessa McMackin
  • Vanessa Payne
  • Victoria Hewitson
  • Vintage Coffee Roasters
  • Waterloo Regional District School Board
  • Wendy Adema
  • Wendy Young
  • Willem Bouma
  • Willemina Steller
  • William Fledderus
  • Woman’s Probus Club of Brant
  • WP Pensions + Benefits
  • Your Credit Union Ltd
  • Yvette Cowe