Published On: January 25, 2021Categories: News, Save the Evidence

Our Save the Evidence campaign would not have made it this far in the project without the support from local community businesses. Timmins Martelle Heritage Consultants Inc have supported the project by donating funds to the campaign and also contributing the time of their staff to learn about the history of residential schools in Canada.


We send many Nya:wehs to those that continue to lock arms with us to cross the finish line and appreciate this statement made by TMHC.


TMHC donated to the Save the Evidence campaign and supports the efforts to preserve the building as a long-standing reminder of the residential school era to ensure that it is not erased from mainstream Canadian history.

The stories of the survivors need to be told and preserved as part of this shared colonial history. They are emotional, heartbreaking and raw.

Many people will never fully appreciate what life was like at residential schools. Yet hearing the personal memories of survivors helps adults and children alike better understand the day-to-day trauma they experienced in a familiar, relatable way.

Some of our staff had the privilege of touring the facility during the Ontario Archaeological Society’s conference held in Brantford in 2017 with the theme of “From Truth to Reconciliation: Redefining Archaeology in Ontario.”

We were forever changed by the experience.

– Holly Martelle, Timmins Martelle Heritage Consultants Inc.


This story was featured in our last Save the Evidence Newsletter. Our next newsletter is in the editing stages so CLICK HERE NOW to enter your email so you don’t miss the updates.

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