We are thrilled to announce that the funds for the final phase of the Save the Evidence campaign have been raised! Read our final e-newsletter below!
The Save the Evidence campaign is an initiative launched by the Woodland Cultural Centre to raise awareness and support for the restoration of the former Mohawk Institute Residential School building. The vision is to turn the building into an Interpretive Historic Site and Educational Resource. The Mohawk Institute building itself is only one of a handful of Residential School buildings left standing in Canada and the only one in Ontario that offered guided tours until its closure for repairs.
In This Issue:
- A reflection from our Executive Director, Janis Monture on this monumental six year campaign
- Financial Overview: An overview of the funds raised over the last six years
- Construction Updates: See a walk through of the restorations that have happened to date
- Survivors Reflection: Hear what this campaign has meant to the Survivors of the Mohawk Institute
We can’t express how grateful we are for our community of supporters!
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