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The Woodland Cultural Centre is hosting a virtual Hodinohsho:ni Governance workshop on June 21st at 6pm. Your donation will help support our education department to create and deliver virtual programming at the Woodland Cultural Centre. We want to continue to deliver the highest quality programs centered on a Hodinohsho:ni worldview, celebrating, and sharing Indigenous cultures, languages, and art.

Topics covered include the Hodinohsho:ni system of governance, use of wampum, the Royal Proclamation, the Haldimand Proclamation, the Indian Act and how these conflicted with the traditional Hodinohsho:ni Governance structure

This is the first time we are offering this virtual session to the public! Don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of this important discussion and expand your knowledge of the governance structures of Hodinohsho:ni people. Be sure to join the Woodland Cultural Centre on National Indigenous Peoples Day for this amazing learning opportunity!


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