Our Team

The Centre shall be a leader in the revitalization of First Nations of the Eastern Woodland area culture, language, and spirituality, and shall have as its aims and objectives the preservation, accurate documentation, education and promotion of the values, practices, language, National Treasures and articles of both the past and contemporary First Nations of the Eastern Woodland area peoples. The Centre will provide a comfortable and comprehensive facility where community Youth, Elders, students, scholars and people of both the Anishinaabek and Onkwehon:we can research, reaffirm, celebrate, learn, display and discuss their culture, language, history, art and values.

The overall management of the Centre shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of up to three (3) members of each member First Nation, all of whom shall be appointed by and for such length of time as the Councils of the member First Nations shall designate by Council Resolution. Appointees do not need to be Councilors and at least one of the appointees should be a community member with skills or experience required by the Board.

Staff of Woodland Cultural Centre standing in front of building

Board of Directors

Chairperson – Allison Lynn
Vice-Chairperson – Chief Philip Franks
Secretary/Treasurer – TBD

Board Member – Darren Thomas
Board Member – Christopher Maracle
Board Member – Amos Key Jr




Department Title Name Extension
Administration Executive Director Heather George x 244
Administration Administrative Coordinator Jake Jamieson N/A
Operations Operations Manager Alex Montour x 226
Operations Maintenance Assistant Camron Shortt N/A
Operations Custodian Shailynn Garlow
Shawn Thomas
Operations Information Technology Coordinator Bailey Hill x 230
Operations Volunteer Program Coordinator Maichina Veri x 232
Operations Project & Grants Manager Christine VanEvery x 245
Finance Finance Manager Deb Lickers x 227
Finance Finance Assistant Melissa Mt.Pleasant x 228
Development Development & Marketing Manager Trisha Kelley  x 232
Development Visitor Services Coordinator Carrie Hill x 221
Development Weekend Visitor Services Clerk Melissa Hill x 221
Education Manager of Education Krysta Longboat   x 231
Education Group & Tour Coordinator Rebecca Miller  x 249
Education Cultural Interpreter Halley Hill N/A
Language Ǫgwehǫweh/Onkwehonweh Language Programming & Outreach Coordinator and Interim Language & Cultural Manager Krista Miller x 250
Language Digitizer Assistant  Keitha Hill  N/A
Arts Arts Administrative Associate Olga Kolotylo x 243
Arts Collections Registrar Tara Froman x 223
Arts Library & Archives Coordinator Jane Hill

x 242

Arts Community Stories Coordinator  Kate Dalton x 233